
May 31, 2013

THE FIFTH MONTH COMES TO A CLOSE & Lemon Delicious Pudding

Mothers pay a price 
Motherhood comes with a price to be paid,
But cost is not counted
When love bounces back many blessings.
Never-ending chores
One's tasks are never finished 
for the mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother!
 But there's always time for a cup of tea. robyn
Brenda's Scrap Book
Here are a few more recipes from my mother's 1960s scrap book. 

Thank you to all of you blog readers from 
Russia, Australia, United States, Germany, South Korea, Netherlands, Colombia, United Kingdom, Morocco, Philippines, Ukraine, Canada and India.
for taking the time to read this month's blog,
which has been written as a special tribute to Brenda, my mum. 

I wish you well - all of you mothers -  whether you are a mother who has given birth, or whether you are one of those wonderful aunties, big sisters, friends or community members who have taken a young person under your wing to nurture and love them as a mother would do. 

May you continue to be a blessing.  

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda     If you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me on