
May 22, 2013

The Coolgardie Safe & Chinese Chicken

The diligence of mothers 
Our world is full of mothers
Watching out for their children's welfare
With careful diligence. Robyn
Off to school
She packed his lunch
And put it in his satchel
On the morning of his first day at school.
As a rule, 
She did not cry in the mornings.
But today was different.  
Memoirs from my mother  Brenda talks about her parents' 'fridge'
Today I have a white enamelled fridge/freezer like everyone else. But years ago, it was not like it is today. Nana and Pop, (my parents), had a Coolgardie Safe with flywire all aound. If we hung a wet sugar-bag over it, that helped to keep the food cool. There were 4 jam tins under each leg of the Coolgardie Safe, with water in them to stop the ants crawling into the safe. 
Nana and Pop lived well during the war years and depression years. Pop had friends on a farm and he worked at Paul's Milk Factory - so with both of those put together, there was meat, milk, cream and butter! Nana really only had to buy bread and groceries. Because Pop worked in "essential services" at the milk factory, he did not have to go to the Second World War, although he had fought in the First World War.

Dorothy, who worked in an office with me used to visit us, along with her husband and three kids,  every Saturday afternoon. They would stay and stay... until Nana would have to say each time, "Would you like to stay for tea?" That was what Dorothy was waiting for, because those Saturday night meals would have been their best meals for the week!  

Brenda's Scrap Book

From Brenda's 
1960s scrapbook, 
we have some 
tasty chicken recipes. 

I am pleased that my mother's mother was kind and generous. I hope that I have learned from her.   

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda