
May 29, 2013

Pineapple Tarts, Apple Pie & Grandchildren's letters

With a mother's love,
A house is made a home.

I met a young man, an 18 year old, the other day.
He had finished school, 
and was working at a part-time job until he could decide on his direction for a future career.
While he was considering joining the AirForce,
he was reticent because it would take him away from the home that he loved.
My heart was warmed by the fact that here was a young man who valued his current home.

Memoirs from my mother  Brenda talks about her grandchildren's letters
Years ago, when the grandchildren used to send me little notes in the post, I would keep them all. A few years ago, Pam gathered them up and pasted all of the notes, letters and drawings in a scrapbook for me! Nobody seems to write notes and letters like that any more, which is a real shame. It's a new era now - it's all email stuff!

Brenda's Scrap Book
My mum always made a "pudding" to eat after our evening hot meal of meat and veges. They were always a treat, and much looked forward to. But the tradition did not carry on, with most of her children and grand-children tending not to eat sweet desserts after a meal. 

While I have the fillings in my teeth like the many baby-boomers who tucked into their home made sweet puddings, it was a special era - and us kids just loved the home cooking!  

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda