
June 14, 2013

Taking a stand

That's not my home!

  No, that's not my home! 

This 2 storey brick home near Toowoomba, Queensland, 
however, was once our family home from which we saw beautiful sunsets, 
but we sold it for another home.

Conversing Conversing- expressing what we must
Some years ago, I was in a situation where I very strongly expressed my opinion to a person in the workplace who was of much higher rank than me. It was very embarrassing to me because my opinion was totally different to the leader of the organization, but the situation was too important to me to let the issue go without expressing my opinion strongly. I left the interview feeling as though I had been rude because my opinion was different.

However, a couple of years later when this person was talking with me, they recalled that interview. They told me that they had actually been impressed by my stand, for they had thought that people might have been able to “walk over me”, but they discovered that I was a stronger person than they had realized. So, you never know what people are thinking of you and how they are receiving you! But sometimes our inner convictions make us express what we must, whether or not our words will be appreciated.
Sometimes we feel compelled to make a stand,
expressing words which may not be appreciated 

May we grow in confidence so that we can express ourselves
even when our opinions are different

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda