
June 7, 2013

Conversing - being a listener

That's not my home!

  No, that's not my home! 

This delightful stone cottage 
is on the corner of the old market-place called "Billy Goat Square" 
in the Barossa Valley town of Tanunda, South Australia

 Conversing- being a listener
Some years ago, I spent a week at Daughter Number-Two’s home as I recouperated after an operation. She and two other young women lived in a house in an Australian country town. I was sitting still for that week, unable to do any household chores, and because I was “still”, both of the flat-mates came to me at various times sharing their personal stories. I felt privileged that they shared their heart and past griefs with me. To have someone who was willing to listen, showing kindness and understanding, was very important to these two young women. I hope that they are both doing well in their lives, and that they have found healing for their hearts. I hope that the fact that I listened to their stories helped them on their way. 
One mallard duck quietly sits by a canal in Birmingham, UK,
and is joined by another duck who wants to share the space.

May we never be too busy that we forget to sit still at times

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda