Grandchildren, Tarragon & A Blackbean Tree
In the Home

Three delightful grandchildren have been staying for a couple of nights, filling our home with their happy activity.
In the Garden
Tarragon, with its refreshing licorice flavour, has been flowering in the garden for months. The tasty leaves add interest to fish and chicken dishes.
In the Bushland
We were awed to find huge seed pods on the ground at our feet as we walked through the local bush. We were surprised to discover that the tree from which these large pods came, really wasn't very big.
A Moreton Bay Chestnut |
Blackbean also known as Moreton Bay Chestnut is native to Australia. While this rainforest tree has an invasive root system, it can be grown successfully on a smaller scale as an indoor potplant, so we will try planting a few seeds in pots. While the seeds and leaves are toxic to livestock, with extensive preparation, the seeds have been used as food by our Aboriginal people. The seeds contain alkaloids which have been shown to have anti-HIV and anti-cancer properties.
May our surroundings amaze us with their uniqueness and versatility.
from Robyn painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum