
August 15, 2013

A KITCHEN DRESSER, A Fishpond & A Tree Hollow

In the Home
Our lovely kitchen dresser was bought from a second hand shop almost 40 years ago. We actually painted it orange and cream when brightly painted furniture was popular!! It was a lot of work stripping off that paint! It's not used as a typical kitchen dresser - it holds my arts and crafts materials - so there are many years of potential creativity tucked away behind those closed doors. 

In the Garden
The delicate water-lilies have stopped flowering, but the small colourful fish are delighting the grand-children who like to feed them.

In the Bushland
Tree hollows provide homes and nests for our Australian fauna. 17% of bird species, 42% or mammals and 28% of reptiles in Australia live and breed in tree hollows. 
Here is one of those safe hollows in an old tree in our local bushland.

May each one of us help to create homes where we feel safe and secure.  

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum