In the Home
What a delight it is to have such a beautiful piano in our home! I bought this lovely Yamaha Baby Grand piano from St Andrews Church in Hong Kong when they were purchasing a new one. One of the church pianists and singers, Vivian Chih, will be so pleased to see that the piano she very much loved to play has a happy home. Looking out over flowering shrubs in the garden, I continue to play the same pieces that she loves to play!
In the Garden
Pea plants grow up the wall of hubby's Man Shed. While there aren't enough peas for the dinner plate, I enjoy a nibble of a few freshly picked pods every few days.
In the Bushland
My sister, Pam, has taught me to appreciate dead gum trees. She just loves these lifeless forms, but I have had to work at loving them, looking for interesting settings to detract from the fact that these trees are dead! Tabletop Mountain in the background adds some interest to this stately tree.
May we value the glory of both the present and the past.
from Robyn
painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum