
August 2, 2013

Doileys, Camelias and Table Top Mountain

In the Home
My "telephone friend", Vivienne, asked me recently what colour scheme we had chosen in our new home. After a long pause, I had to reply that we really didn't have a colour scheme - just our things were put here and there. But then I remembered that I was enjoying putting lovely old doileys in many spots, giving the home a small "theme". Here are two of the doileys, with fresh camelias from the garden bringing nature into our home. 

In the Garden

The pink and red camelias have been blooming abundantly giving daily pleasure!

In the Bushland
Tabletop Mountain, below our city of Toowoomba, is a lovely sight to be viewed from both Picnic Point and from walks along bush paths. 

May our lives become richer as we drink in the beauty around us. 

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda