
August 16, 2013

A Sewing Machine, Potato Peelings and a Staghorn

In the Home
My singer tredle sewing machine sadly no longer houses the old machine. What a shame that 30 years ago, I did not value its uniqueness, and instead, put an electric machine inside the wooden cabinet. My sewing machine reminds me of  the clothes I used to make for our young children, before those more affordable clothes from overseas were sold in our shops.  

In the Garden
potato peelings ready for planting 
Some of the potatoes from the shop were a bit green  - hence not so safe for eating! Off came the green bits and a few "eyes", and these peelings will be planted. Some whole potatoes planted a month or so ago are now sprouting nicely. I have been totally relying on the rain, the sunshine, and the excellent Darling Downs soil - some of Australia's best soil - to grow our vege garden, and so far, all is going well. 

In the Bushland

We were surprised to find a beautiful staghorn attached to a eucalypt tree in the bush! Staghorns usually grow in warm humid forests, and not in the cool mountain bushland such as that on our doorstep.  

May our eyes be ever-seeing so that we do not miss the beauty around us.   

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda