
August 28, 2013

A wall hanging, Carrots & a Brush Turkey

In the Home

Today I paused to remember a dear friend, Hedy, and her son Ben. I remembered also the other members of her family who after many years, still grieve the loss of a precious mother and son, who tragically died on one of our dangerous Queensland highways, where the road toll is far too high. 

This treasured wall hanging with dried flora from Hedy's garden is now somewhat faded, but still speaks out succinct words of the value of our children.  

"Children cost us nothing,  but are beyond value;
 The cost of bringing them up seems endless 
yet we are richer for it.
They challenge, yet reflect our values.
Their innocence makes us grow wiser.
We bring them up to give to someone else -
Yet they are always ours."

In the Garden

While a large carrot produces a flower stem to provide us with seeds for a new season, the tomatoes are dying off. I expect there will be lots of self-seeded tomato plants popping up in the soil when the weather warms up. 

In the Bushland
A brush turkey was camouflaged in dense undergrowth beside a cleared walkway in our local bushland. 

May our lives not be hidden away from others! 

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum