In the Home
Our Australian climate is such that many celebrations are held outdoors.
Our family celebrations are important to us, and here we have a one year old grand-daughter celebrating her 1st birthday with a pink bear cake in their back garden on their farm at Dalby.
In the Garden
This male pigeon is trying very hard to attract the female on the ground below him. |
The bowing and parading of the male does not impress the female,
who is more interested in a duck made of bronze.
The duck is much less demanding! |
So the male eventually has no choice but to fly off and try on another day!
If the lady decides she likes him, they will build a loose stick nest together
perhaps among some nearby bushy branches,
and together they will share the task of incubating the eggs and feeding their young. |
In the Bushland
These two young wallabies were inquisite enough to pause their grazing on a grassy patch in the bushland, to watch us for a few mintutes.
May our minds be inquisitive and enquiring.
from Robyn
painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum