The cuckoo clock, bought during a visit to Switzerland, is a "favourite" with some of the grand-children, one of whom will stand patiently - up to 15 minutes! - waiting for the activity of this delightful clock. The music plays to the tune of I love to go a Wandering or Edilweis; the door opens with the bird popping his head out to cuckoo; the dancers go round and round; the waterwheel turns and the little boy and girl kiss - all at the same time! This little grandson thinks it well worth the wait.
In the Garden
An enormous gum tree grows in the garden behind our home. A Sulphur Crested Cockatoo rests in the branches of that gum tree. These birds love to eat seeds and can be a pest to crop farmers, arriving in noisy flocks that can number in the hundreds.
A cloudy sky
hovers above
Tabletop Mountain
framed by gums
which are silhouetted
in the evening light.
May our lives be enriched by our own times and seasons.