
April 1, 2013


Who is Jesus?
Jesus is thonwhgivepeace
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 
John 14:27
Easter in Our New Home  visiting Toowoomba churches
A floral cross decorated by the children and adults
of a local Toowoomba church
Being new to town, hubby and I will use the opportunity to visit a different church each weekend. It was a happy group of children and adults who were decorating a wooden cross with flowers picked from their gardens on Easter Sunday morning in the church we attended. 

The floral cross was alive with colour and freshness.

However, on Easter Friday, the same cross was a symbol of sorrow and darkness as the children and adults of the church hammered nails into the wooden, attaching pieces of paper with prayers written on them.

But today was a joyful time of celebration that Jesus had risen from the grave. 

Happy Easter to all of you blog readers! 
Christ is risen - Christ is risen indeed!

from Robyn