
April 19, 2013


Who is God?  God is thonwho shakealnations 
This is what the LORD Almighty says:
'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD Almighty.
'The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD almighty. 'The glory of this present house will be greater that the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty. 
Haggai 2:6-9
Our New Home
These roses were blooming in Picnic Point Park, 
a 10 minute walk from our home.
From the lookout at Picnic Point one can see Tabletop Mountain 
as part of the superb view of expansive mountainous countryside. 
It's a  great hiking experience to climb Tabletop Mountain!
A view of Tabletop Mountain from Picnic Point near our home. 
Click on this link to see some images from Picnic Point Park.
The Great Outdoors
Memories of England's Coast-to-Coast Walk   Saturday 23rd July 2005
We generally live our lives in a state of "comfort", so it was quite an unfamiliar situation for us to be cold, tired and sore as on this occasion.  But at least we weren't lonely!

Here is hubby's daily diary.....

Day 15      Lion Inn – Glaisdale
After a freezing night and not much sleep in our thin sleeping bags, we woke and cooked breakfast at 8.00 a.m. Denise had slept wearing most of her clothes for warmth, and we both used the daily newspaper inside our sleeping bags, also for some extra warmth.  It was cold, cloudy and windy as we packed our tents and bags.  We set off along the road for a couple of hours, then through heather moors. 

Dave helps Jonathan
with map reading
Jonathan was now doing
much of the map reading

The 10 mile hike wasn’t long, but we were getting weary of lugging our bags around.  We were looking forward to getting to Robin Hood’s Bay. 

We arrived at Glaisdale at 3.00 p.m. and bought supplies at the small store.  We discovered that the camping ground in town was no longer being run, and that another camping ground was some way back along the track. We had actually passed it, a farmhouse set back from the hiking track. Because it was a 2 mile hike back, the lady in the shop phoned her husband who was soon to drive along that way to do an evening milking of some cows.  He gave us  a very welcome lift, and we were delivered to an old farmhouse, well kept by an elderly farmer and his wife. The camping area on the farm was fantastic – complete with numbered sites, showers, toilets, a TV room, even a fridge for our milk, butter and cheese – and only 2 pounds each! This site was only for campers – no caravans – and we were lucky that the farmer’s wife found us a space on this popular site, which one is supposed to pre-book. A cow bawled most of the night, and she gave birth early in the morning!

A sheep dog entertained us with its skill with the sheep
In the evening we watched a farmer with his amazing sheep dog, rounding up a dozen or so sheep in “competition mode”.  It reminded us of the movie Babe, and indeed the sheep dog herding those sheep and getting them in lines, ran rings around Babe, the “sheep-pig”.   

P.S. The trainer for the pig Babe in the Australian movie lives in Toowoomba, our new home town. I hope to meet her one day.

What a blessing it is to stop at a clean and hospitable spot!

from Robyn

painting of robin by Bren