
May 23, 2013

The Queen & Apple Teacake

Mothers open windows
Mothers open windows
In their children's bedrooms
Letting golden light and gentle breezes
Clear away the dross and dray
Of every dreary yesterday. 
Choosing our memories
          It is strange that I do not recall
My mother ever being cross with me,
But she probably was...
Perhaps I choose just not to remember!  

Memoirs from my mother  Brenda talks about Queen Elizabeth's visit
When the Queen came to visit South Australia, my neighbour and I received invitations to stand in the parkland at Elizabeth near the Octagon Theatre. Many people lined the pathway where she walked. I was all dressed up - quite pregnant with Janet - with hat, gloves, handbag, and a new dress. The Queen walked by us, quite close to us as we stood there. 
Brenda's Scrap Book

Apple teacake is on the menu for today's afternoon tea. 

What an honor it is to be able to acknowledge important people.  

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda