Mothers look out for one another
Mothers are a universal breed
And should maintain a world-wide creed
To look out for one another.
A mother's chores
Food to buy, dishes to dry, and half a dozen eggs to fry,
The kids to feed, the garden to weed,
The floors to sweep and rooms to make neat,
Dusting to do, find that lost shoe,
Gifts to make and biscuits to bake,
Letters to post, lamb and veges to roast,
Darn the socks, put the toys in their box.
I think that's quite enough chores for me,
So I'll go sit down for a nice cup of tea,
P'haps read the paper or watch the TV.
Memoirs from my mother Brenda talks about her childhood homes
Brenda stands outside one of the Mafra homes she lived in |
I can remember where all the rooms were in the four houses I lived in, in Maffra. I could even draw a plan of them after 70 years or so! John and Sandra took photos of them when they were on holiday a couple of years ago. Sandra rang me on her mobile phone when she and John were looking for those houses, and I was able to say to her, "Go down Queen Street, turn right or left... and you will find this or that1"
Grandad Jeffries' grave site in Maffra |
They found the church we attended, and saw the silver communion tray that Grandad Jeffries had donated. They even rang the lady who was once the headmaster's daughter - whom I had gone to school with. It was such an exciting week for me when John and Sandra were in Maffra telling me over the mobile phone about the places they were visiting. The other day, I came across a pack of information about Maffra - the things they had collected for me when they were there.
Brenda's Scrap Book
I (Robyn) like the idea of putting shampoo on the stained pillowcase before washing it - today's tip from my mother's 1960s scrap book!
If I had my mothering years over again, I think I would take more shortcuts so that there was more time for relaxing.
from Robyn
painting of robin by Brenda