I was a post-war baby (known as a baby-boomer), and I can still remember my mother singing World War 11 songs as she worked in the kitchen. One of her favourite songs was "Mares Eat Oats" - "Mairzy Doats"!
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
A kiddley divey too. Wouldn’t you? Yes!
Mairzydoats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
A kiddley divey too. Wouldn’t you?
If the words sound queer, and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey.
Sing: “Mares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy” Oh!
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
A kiddley divey too. Wouldn’t you — oo?
A kiddley divey too. Wouldn’t you?
Porridge for breakfast will continue to be my healthy breakfast choice in our Australian winter,
whole rolled oats, and not the "instant oats". Cooked in a saucepan with water (1 cup water to 1/3 cup oats), then adding a little salt, and stirring in some milk and a dribble of honey or golden syrup.
I will most certainly start to make Flapjacks as a snack:
55 g/2 oz butter or margarine, plus extra for greasing; 115 g/4 oz golden syrup; 55 g/2 oz demerara sugar, 225 g/8 oz rolled oats*Preheat oven to 180 degrees C; Grease 8 inch square, shallow cake tin.
*Melt butter, syrup and sugar in a saucepan
*Stir in the oats and turn the mixture into the cake tin, spreading it evenly.
*Bake 30 -35 mins in a preheated oven.
*Take out of the oven and cut into square or rectangular pieces immediately, leaving in the tin until completely cold before removing.
I might even consider setting aside a patch of our suburban garden to try growing some oats, just for fun!
But one thing that I really should do is a bit more singing while I potter around the house!