
December 18, 2013

Medicines from nature

medicinal plants
As World War 11 progressed, women needed to rely on their own devices as well as their grandmothers' secret recipies for not only soap, polishes, flavourings, baby lotions, dried fruits & vegetables, alcohol but also medicines. 

Rosehip Syrup
*Top, tail and wash about 5 lb undamaged hips.
*Place in a saucepan with 3 pints of water, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 mins.
*Rub the hips through a sieve and mix with half the fruit's weight in castor sugar.
*Cook and stir for about 20 mins (10 mins after it begins to simmer).
*Pour into glass jars, allow to cool and seal with waxed paper.
*Keep for 3 or 4 months in a dark place.
Give children 1 teaspoon daily as a Vitamin A & C tonic.
The thick syrup can be thinned down for drinks.

Medicinal Jam (can be used as a mild natural laxative for children - delicious on brown bread)
1 lb prunes; 1 lb seedless raisins; 1 lb demerara sugar; 1/4 lb whole almonds

*Remove stones from the prunes.
*Chop prunes and raisins very finely, together with the blanched almonds and kernels from the prune stones.
*Soak all overnight in 1 pint water.
*Next day, add the demerara sugar, bring to the boil and cook for 30 mins, boiling not too fast.
*Pour into hot glass jars and seal down immediately.

We are very fortunate to have a  healthy lemon tree in our garden, with a variety of citrus trees coming along nicely. Many years ago, an orange tree supplied our large family each with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for 9 months of the year. No one ever caught a cold during those months! 
In order to address on-going health, I will make a concerted effort not to eat junk food or processed food - especially foods using refined products such as white sugar and white flour.