Click on the link below for a sneak preview of Toowoomba.....
Throughout spring, I have enjoyed photographing pink and blue flora, always remembering my friend, Patricia, whose favourite colours are pink and blue!
I have invited Patricia to be our GUEST OF THE MONTH, to tell us why she loves these colours.
When I was in my early twenties, many years ago, I had thought that my life was at its very end. With my body riddled with disease, I lay helpless in hospital. I would look out of the hospital window at the canopy of blue sky above, knowing that God's love was covering me, just as the sky covers the earth day and night. Over those very difficult months, occasionally I witnessed a glorious sunset, and the pigments of pink seemed to be drawn into my spirit, perhaps giving my soul a lift and a promise of colour to my palid skin. It was at that time that those two colours of blue and pink became my favourite colours - the blue representing God's covering over my life, and the pink representing life itself - with its joys and sorrows, with its victories and defeats. It is with faith in Jesus that I have travelled on - taking with me my love of those two colours - taking with me a trust in God's eternal covering and an appreciation for life itself.
May each of us get a "buzz" whenever we see our favourite colour!

from Robyn
painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum