
June 6, 2013

Conversing eye-to-eye

That's not my home!

  No, that's not my home! 

This timber-clad home on stilts, commonly known as a "Queenslander" is in Brisbane.

Conversing- eye-to-eye
Wow! I am working on that “look-the-other-person-in-the-eye” aspect of my conversing. And it is such an awesome aspect that I am going to just stay with that challenge of focus today without taking on anything new. I have to be culturally sensitive as there are certain people groups such as indigenous Australians who consider it rude and culturally inappropriate to look another person in the eye. But in my western culture it is ok. By making eye contact while conversing, I truly do become more aware of the other person. I wonder if I can develop that amazing skill of making that other person feel significant and appreciated as I make eye contact with them?
These friendly llamas who live at Cape Jervis, South Australia
have certainly been practising "look-one-another-in-the-eye"
as they relate!
May we not be shy of looking at the other person

from Robyn

painting of robin by Brenda