
January 2, 2013


Word for the Day  Grow & Mature   

Home  January's Challenge: BE TIDY

My family know that I am most certainly not naturally tidy! The kitchen drawers were a good challenge to today.
I now have some items to take to the second-hand shop,
and my rubbish bin is a little fuller. 

Just prior to the New Year, it rained -
a good steady rain following a month of drought.
The best ever New Year present for our suburban garden. 

My desire to learn to grow survival foods towards self-sufficiency keeps me motivated and trying out a new method when a previous gardening attempt has been flawed.

It is my hope that our garden will be as silver and gold to us and others. 
This year, I won't try to dictate what the garden should do.  I will let it have its own way to some extent, while I still weed and feed it, looking forward to its produce. 

What will be the destiny of this amazing bunch of bananas?

I wonder how many families 
will enjoy 
sun-ripened bananas 
from our garden ?

....Bananas offering a high dose of potassium for one's heart and nervous systems;
....Bananas which are good for one's kidneys and bones;
....Bananas which can act as a mood enhancer or mild sedative;
....Bananas which are good for one's blood;
....Bananas which are a fine source of dietary fibre.  Yum! 

These bananas will be a summer golden treasure, and until they ripen, I put them to bed each night, tucking them inside their large home-made hessian bag, protecting them from the local bats. 

It is good to watch a garden grow,
To learn its ways
As nights and days
And monthly moons
Come and go,
While we watch our garden grow. 

Wishing you happy "Home-and-Garden-making"
from Robyn


Robin Painting by my Mum, Brenda Hay