Autumn is my favourite season!
Seen from a perspective of being in the U.K., autumn is often regarded negatively as the season that brings to an end an idylic summer, and the precurser to the cold winter ahead.
Autumn is a season of change - a season of quiet misty rains, of glowing golden colours of falling leaves, of birds meeting together in noisy flocks to then accompany each other on their annual holidays! Autumn is the time for squirrels to scamper through the leaves, collecting acorns and hazel nuts for their winter nourishment. It is a time for children to hunt bright shiny conkers for their rutualised games, subjecting their discoveries to secret hardening recipes for the fight to the bitter end. The farm workers on tractors draw behind them the tools for the harvest. The fields reverberate with the rattle of the diesel engines as crops are gathered before spoiling rains or first frosts arrive. Hedges are trimmed, ditches scooped clear and trees pruned. Those with the "know" forrage for their own delights of rose-hip, blackberry, sweet chestnut and a variety of hidden fungi. Then there are the weather changes when violent gales and lashing rain send everyone to shelter, and cold winds burn the face and hands.
Once the work of autumn is done, a stillness settles. Magpies chatter in the woods, rain drips to the forest floor, and leaves continue to fall - all heard by the discerning ear. The robins who have remained chirp clearly on a still air. An aroma of compost rises from the ground, pungent yet pleasant.
Autumn is a time to rug-up warm with coats, scarves and boots. A time to stand entranced as the mist swirls amongst the trees; as the low sun beams its rays of subdued light overhead from a pale blue sky; as new vistas appear through the bare branches of once-hidden hills or church spires.
My favourite season - Autumn!
If you are in an "autumn-season" of your life, or if you are living through the actual season change in your country, it is my prayer that you are finding the same enjoyment as David obviously is!
from Robyn
painting of robin by Brenda, Robyn's mum